Rocket practising double standards - its two women leaders uphold false sense of justice but silent on own members uncouth slurs

Rocket practising double standards - its two women leaders uphold false sense of justice but silent on own members uncouth slurs

DAP's Teo Nie Ching and Teresa Kok are nothing but impostors, trying to act as 'heroes' but turn a blind eye towards their own member's vulgar remarks. They lambast MCA President Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek with criticisms for his remark but ignore the defamatory spews by their own comrades.

Assistant National Publicity Secretary of DAP, Teo Nie Ching and National Organising Secretary of DAP, Teresa Kok may have forgotten that DAP elections publicity chief Hew Kuan Yau and DAP Perak Secretary Nga Kor Ming had in the past acted abrasively and hurled slander which are even more humiliating than that which they chide Dr Chua for.
As elected representatives who also hold high positions in their political party, Teresa and Teo always act coy over insensitive, vulgar terminology by their comrades. It is obvious that they are leaders who practise double standards, holding bias judgment towards others. It seems that their definition of 'vulgar' varies from society's norm.
DAP doesn't take action on its own members who spew der! ogatory remarks
Hew Kuan Yew regularly foul language in his speeches. He curses, rants and hurl verbal abuses at his own whim even in front of the public's eye. He even likened the media corp as "prostitutes". One would expect punishment to be judged on him, but no practical action was taken by DAP.
The same goes to Nga Kor Ming who even went as far as to label Hee Yit Foong a 'prostitute', degrading Malaysian women off their pride and dignity. DAP again stood by and turned a deaf ear towards his comments with no consequent action taken. Needless to say, DAP is a biased party practising double standards.
Senator Chew Lian Keng, JP
MCA Youth Federal Territory chairman


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