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抗议中共政府审案走过场,重判刘贤斌! - Condemn CCP SHOW TRIAL!

美國華盛頓州Washington State, USA 民主人權聯盟Democracy & Human Rights Alliance 民主中國陣線Federation for a Democratic China 中國民主黨China Democracy Party (CDP) 中國社會民主黨China Social Democratic Party (CSDP) 中國民聯陣Chinese Alliance for Democracy (CAD) 中國民聯Alliance for Democratic China (ADC) 救援王炳章委員會Release Dr. Wang BingZhang Committee 抗议中共政府审判走过场,严判刘贤斌先生的非法行为! 中共政府在审判时拒绝刘贤斌和他的律师们为他进行辩护发言,显示了政府独裁统治的虚伪和外强中干的嘴脸。 中共政府拘禁,判刑,和秘密逮捕記者\律師\教師\反強拆民眾違法! 中共政府逆世界民主潮流而動只會使其獨裁統治早日倒台! 立即釋放刘贤斌先生! 释放王炳章,刘晓波,谭作人,高智晟等一切良心犯! China bars political dissident Liu XianBin access to lawyers! China is doing the SHOW TRIAL! We are against the Chinese Communist Party's Government "Show Trial" of Mr. Liu XianBin -- Mr. Liu and his lawyers were not allowed to speak, nor was anyone able to speak at the Trial. Mr. Liu only wrote some articles about the corruption in regards to the Sichuan earthquake and some other articles which supports Chinese democracy - the result, he was sentenced to 10 years for subversion, twice the amount even the Chinese Government should sentence someone for his so called crimes. Mr. Liu's sentence is among the heaviest handed down for inciting subversion, an offense stipulated in Chinese criminal law as punishable by up to five years, or in serious cases, more than five years. This shows how weak the ...

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